★ Sources ★
I really value crediting the right people for their work as an artist. If you see a blinkie, click it to be redirected to the place I found it!
However, some stuff is a little harder to source this way, so this credits page exists to supplement that.
- I only use official art, like screenshots and promo art, on shrine pages. If you browse wikis or the source material, you're sure to find them.
- This Pikachu gif
seems to have first appeared on this website in early 2008. While I cannot confirm if they made it, according to TinEye, this is the earliest remaining instance of the image, and the webmaster seems to have been a fan of Pokemon, among other things, and claims to have made art for it. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem their art was archived.
- My sheep favicons
can be found in this Tumblr post.
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