If you can see this, no you don't.
The reproductive tissue (gonads) become active during embryonic development, then stopping about 4.5 months after conception before resuming during puberty. These remain undifferentiated until about seven weeks, when they form either testes with Wolffian/mesonepheric ducts (XY) or ovaries with Mullerian ducts (XX) based on chromosomes. As we know, humans have 23 pairs of these, two of which determine sex. However, after these seven weeks, the rest of the work is determined by the work of hormones, not chromosomes - unless the individual is XX. The formation of a reproductive system with testes/a penis/etc. takes active hormonal influence. The other forms by default.
The testes produce germ/sex cells, or gametes, specifically spermatozoa. These are shed from the lumen wall in winding seminiferous tubules from right to left. The outer layer of connective tissue (interstitial, lamina propria) of these tubules is a combination of muscular and epithelial tissues, forming a basement membrane together. Towards the lumen, there are mucuous membranes. Along this basement membrane are spermatogonia, very small and basophilic in a single layer. They are dark type A cells that split to create a spare pale type A, until eventually forming two type B cells. These move laterally rather than outside-in, which is odd. They become spermatocytes, then finally spermatids. Functionally, spermatids look and act a lot like spermatozoans, but they're still attached to the wall. Eventually, they were break free, move into the straight tubules to the rete testis to the efferent ductules that lead to the epididymus. This can take 2-4 weeks!
Sertoli cells, sometimes more vaguely referred to as sustentacular (supporting) cells, are found in the seminiferous tubules and produce anti-Mullerian hormone. They are distinctly columnar and have a lot of actin. They do a lot, despite being outnumbered by spermatogenic cells. Together with another overlapping Sertoli cell, one will for an extremely tight junctional complex in the cytoplasm/zona acludens with uneven but extremely plentiful fusion lines, as much as 50+! This number determines classification. Doing so prevent the immune system from killing these "foreign" haploid cells in the adluminal compartment that do not match what the body clocked as normal at birth. This is called the blood-testis barrier. Spermatozoa leaves via a complex mechanism this class does not cover. While androgens are produced, they are not produced by Sertoli cells as much as by Leydig cells. Instead, Sertoli cells produce ABP (androgen binding protein) that keeps these androgens from entering the bloodstream. This way, they'll be more likely to be picked up by all the parts that desperately need tons of it. Sertoli cells can even control cell division using inhibin and activin; take a wild guess how they impact that.
Leydig cells (or interstitial cells), also in the tubules, produce T, DHT, and estradiol before vanishing until puberty. These are androgens, and a type of steroid, made of cholesterol. T (testosterone) causes the relevant tubes to develop, while DHT helps it develop the external stuff. Estradiol with T heads to the brain to connect the gonads to the hypothalmus.
In the epididymus, spermatozoa is held onto until mature and needed. That is when it is sent into the ductus deferens and then seminal vesicles, which actually do not contain any germ cells. Instead, they produce a fructose-rich seminal fluid to mobilize the spermatozoa. This makes up 70% of semen's actualy content. The prostate similarly produces proteins and enzymes, especially a protease that helps liquify the seminal fluid further. However, the urethral lubricant produced by the bulbourethral glands is not a part of semen.
And then there's the penis and vas deferens and scrotum and all that other external stuff to get it where it's intended to be.
In the basal compartment, germ cells are actually diploid. They become haploid during meiosis in the adluminal compartment. Specifically, DNA is replicated and crossed over in meiosis to make four chromatids per chromosome, dividing reductively first to create a haploid cell with twice the amount of DNA, then again equitorially to make itself perfectly haploid.
A spermatId becomes a spermatozoan via spermIOgenesis (NOT spermATOgenesis - that process includes the spermATOgonia). This process creates a flagellum, a packet of enzymes meant to dissolve into the egg (acrosome), and very dense chromatin. Spermatozoa will also have a mid piece with tons of mitochondria, meant to power and move the flagella. Upon entering the lumen, these cells lose their cytoplasm and leave behind a residual body.
The endocrine system regulates the body's activities. This communication system includes the nervous system, which is faster, using action potentials, but having no real staying power after that. The endocrine system is slower, secreting the right stuff and having it find all the right receptors takes time, but it can last a while. The paracrine system does the same, only much more localized, never entering the bloodstream. An autocrine system is even more unusual; hormones will regulate the same cells that secreted them. As a whole, this system is known as the diffuse neuroendocrine system (DNES).
Normally, when one hears talk of an organ, one will think of lungs or the heart. These are multiple function organs; discrete endocrine glands only secrete hormones, but they are objectively organs! They include the adrenal and pituitary glands. This latter one is also called the hypophesis, and it is found in the hypothalmus. It is very tiny, about the size of a chickpea.
The hypophesis is formed in the embryo when a loop growing down from the brain (diencephalon) and the mouth (Ralhke's pouch) connect and then break away. The former becomes the neurohypophysis, or posterior lobe, which contains the pars nervosa and infundibulum, arranged mostly linearly. Many neurotransmitters are produced in tracts here, like ADH (antidiuretic hormone)/vasopressin and oxytocin. Meanwhile, the adenohypophesis, or anterior lobe, includes the pars distalis (producing five different cells types: acidophilic somatotropic (secrete growth hormone) and lactotropic (influence lactation/T production); and basophilic gonadotropic (LH/SFH for ovulation/T), thyrotropic (TSH, T3, T4), and adrenotropic (ACTH to metabolize glucose)), pars intermedia (producing melanocyte stimulating hormone), and pars tuberalis.